Sunday 2 January 2011

C-SPAN Direct View of US Congressional Testimony & Much More

One really excellent source that I've found on the web is C-SPAN, the official web TV service covering the activities of the US Congress. In addition, to the coverage of Congressional speeches and testimony, the service functions as a resource for research by Congressional Aides. There is also the confusingly named 'C-SPAN' Radio service (confusing because it is now a video service), which includes interviews with various experts on all sorts of topics. The whole service is searchable by names, and doing so reveals a whole range of different sources (eg. a BBC Newnight interview came up on one search).

A particularly valuable source which came up was the related service of C-SPAN Books. Basically, many authors of economics and current affairs books do book tours, which often involve 'swinging through' Washington. C-SPAN Books videos these and other book presentations. Although not quite 'sound-bite' size - they are generally 1 hour plus presentations - they are still a great summary of the authors views and conclusions - and less time-consuming than reading the actual book! Among some of the things I was able to watch was Hank Paulson being interviewed by Warren Buffet before Omaha Chamber of Commerce dinner guests on his book on how he saved the world's financial system, and various things by academic economists.

You can get into the service at this URL:

The service includes BOTH VIDEOS AND TRANSCRIPTS - although I found the transcipt service a little hard to use at times, but still useful to have.

Here are some samples, all of which are worth watching in their own right.

Example of a Daily White House Briefing

Status of US Economy
August 3 2010
Senate Budget Committee

Economists testified on the state of the U.S. economy, the impact of the recession, and prospects for economic recovery. They also talked about the size of the budget deficit, unemployment rates, the impact of stimulus spending, and the state of the housing industry.
2 hours, 9 minutes | 520 Views

Richard Berner, Chief Economist Morgan Stanley
Simon Johnson, Former Chief Economist of IMF, Prof. MIT Sloane Business School
Joel Naroff, Economic Consultant

Search on Bernanke

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke lectured an upper division economics class on the history of the Federal Reserve and explained the bank's dual role of promoting stability in the financial system and promoting economic policies to ensure maximum employment and price stability. He also responded to questions from the North Florida business and economics students from Jacksonville University, the University of North Florida, Rollins College, Stetson University, and the University of Florida.
45 minutes | 1,692 Views

Officials spoke at a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation conference on housing finance issues. They focused on shifting trends in mortgage lending as well as foreclosures and mortgage modification programs for those who cannot afford their homes.
2 hours, 4 minutes | 393 Views

Bernanke only speaks for 14 minutes, but the experts he lined up nto speak after him, left you in no doubt of the scale of the mess out there. For example, the first speaker says whatever is done to alleviate reposessions the scale of repossessions is unlikely to drop much in the next TWO or THREE YEARS, and Adam Levtin Georgetown Law Professor sections describes what lies behind whole 'Robosigning' problem and what a mess it is - during the course of his explanation he is highly critical of the biggest US banks-and he mentions if house prices go down another 10% that HALF of US homowners will be 'under-water' ie. stuck with negative equity.

C-Span interview - One from C-SPAN 'Radio' (in fact video!)

David Malpass (Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary 1984-88, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State 1989-93) talked about his opposition to Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke's plan to buy $600 billion in additional U.S. Treasury bonds in order to boost the economy. He also responded to phone calls and electronic communications. Mr. Malpass is among a group of prominent Republican economists campaigning against Chair Bernanke's plan. Mr. Malpass participated from New York City. C-SPAN Radio's Nancy Calo read news headlines at the end of the program.

The Financial Stability Oversight Council held its second meeting for an update on mortgage servicing, foreclosure issues and votes on several matters related to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

The Database is searchable by Person speaking showing all records of them speaking, for example this is for Ben Bernanke:

This is for Timothy Geitner

Well worth having a look at.

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